
Today The Magnetic Fields officially released their new album Realism. The “no-synth” trilogy is now complete, following previous albums “i”, and “Distortion”. To flesh this out a bit, Stephin Merritt is in fact one person I’d go gay for.

Download it here:

Gyms are for squares. Dance Party 2010.

Elijah Brumback GVL staff writer

Every winter I can normally anticipate gaining a few extra pounds of insulation on my betoken physique. I find it natural as other fellow mammals might. This is acceptable to me, minus only the fact that it becomes just slightly more difficult to put on socks. Normally I would find this winter weight comforting and a sign of my commitment to extravagant and leisurely pursuits e.g. downloading music, fine works of literature, Ice cream and of course drinking and smoking.

The trouble is that I’ve started to become suspicious of the pounds that seem to just roll-over kind of like cell phones minutes, if you’ve got a good plan. But this is not a good plan, for anyone, and considering my coif is of a red, yet flossen nature, I can only assume the adjectives festive and jolly lie in wait as I pack on the pounds.

That is why I’ve made a late new year’s resolution and decided to leave making fatty deposits limited to something I do at the bank.  Not to mention the recurring nightmares of playing Tim Allen in the Santa Claus, one, two and three offered me some rigid inspiration.

Pablo Picasso: Le Moulin de la Galette

The grandest part of it all is that I’ve discovered the most pleasurable way to literally dance my way to a figure rivaling that of Da Vinci’s, David. I might not be there yet, but I’m damn sure on my way and I’m not talking about some cockamamie DVD you can buy on late-night infomercials. If you’ve ever been to a Justice or Daft Punk concert you know what I’m talking about. Good old-fashioned non-stop rump shaking.

It’s a simple as putting on my IPod and terrorizing my roommates with David Lee Roth style Leg kicks and Henry Rollins intensity. When something is fun you can do it for hours and not notice. This is that kind of fun. I suppose the best way to categorize what I’m speaking of as a kind of interpretive dance. All you really need is music.

I laugh when I see people running stationary on a treadmill with all their faces looking like they’ve been playing Farmville for a solid 72 hours. In fact I recommend putting on your IPod or taking your boom-box down to the gym and just start grooving hard right in front of those poor suckers. In 2010 gyms are for squares.

Another great facet to my new mode of suitability is that it’s essentially free and capable of being done virtually anywhere. If you’re not opposed to awkward starring and pointing I fully suggest a public domain to showcase your fitness and undoubtedly unique dance prowess. Now, I know some people are less premium dancers compared others and being embarrassed is not something you might be actively looking for. Be that the case try cutting some serious rug in the privacy of your own room. Becoming a true master, like any skill-based activity, takes time.

Sometimes I like to imagine my own personal miniature David Bowie, androgynously spurring me on to excellent conditioning and dance enlightenment. If you want, you can even imagine your own favorite artist encouraging you on too. I won’t be mad or jealous if you use David Bowie either. Ian Curtis from Joy Division did and he only punched one person in the face ever, and it wasn’t even over David Bowie.

Beyond all that though the main goal is simply, as Iggy Pop would say to search and destroy! Let it all hang out. Shake what your momma gave ya. There are no judges or weigh-ins, ultimately, it is a release mentally and physically accompanied by the added benefit of burning calories. Now you know why every Raver and Hipster you’ve ever met has been rail thin and such a mean dancer. They get-down whenever, wherever they can.

I’m a firm believer in the idea that people who dance always have more fun, ever. I wish you all a totally healthy, epic, super jam, to-legit-to-quit, dance party 2010.

149141yyysjpegThe subtle art of album artwork comes alive on the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s new album cover.

Classic high speed camera action works serious magic capturing the brilliant egg smashing. Never has an egg been captured in such a glorious explosion.

Often when you break an egg in hand its not especially awesome but rather and major bummer. Not here folks.

The album, which will feature guest artists from TVOTR will probably make you want to smash eggs all over your house. Karen O has said that this album is nothing like they’ve ever done before.

Be on the look out April 14th when the album is expected for release.

Pecknold, while debunking the rumor that they were heading to mega label Virgin ended his blog post by saying he had cut off all his hair. The music now sounds completely different. He might also be wearing a watch and no longer likes plaid shirts, boots and jeans. Don’t even ask about beards.

Recently reported that Pepsi will be airing ads during the Super Bowl this Sunday featuring songs written expressively for Pepsi by Bob Dylan and Will I am. What ungodly amount of money did they throw at Mr.Dylan to do this? I can imagine something like a large swimming pool filled with crisp hundred dollar bills for him to swan dive into. The only other thing I can come up with is boredom. Boredom is the answer for this. Bob is just getting his kicks and taking them straight to the bank.

Pepsi also might be selling the song on itunes, if you think you just might need to hear it again and tell yourself that indeed this is reality or confirm your plot to prove that Dylan is actually a fan of Coke.

On the other hand Will I am is really no stranger to this kind of promotional fiasco so no real surprise there. I half expected to see either him or Fergie somewhere in the commercial blitzkrieg of the Super Bowl. If I recall correctly the Black Eyed Peas allowed use of their song “Let’s Get Retarded” edited to “Let’s get it Started” off the Elephunk album for NFL promotion ads some years ago.

So I suppose its a good thing that Pepsi didn’t decide to ask Dylan to destroy one of his original songs. But, its not like he doesn’t have a capacious amount of average material to mangle if he allowed it. No one might actually give a shit really except for maybe the purist. Purist are often elitist or assholes or both so again no one should care that much. It’s just sad, that’s all.

Well it seems all of our music innovator idols are destined for mass media sell out. I just can’t wait for the day where when I want a Pepsi, Bob Dylan will actually reach his hand through the TV screen and hand me one. I’ll cry then wish he had decided to sell PBR instead.

Gatorade also is potentially releasing an ad with Lil Wayne rapping about the letter G. This on the other hand is great and should have been done already.

Yet again Pepsi flexes it’s titanic wallet to buy cultural influence. I wonder who’s going to help sell Coke.

If you think you have to be in New York, Los Angeles or Austin to experience great live music and be engulfed by sounds from around the world, you are sadly mistaken, misinformed, and definitely not hip. No offense old people, but you probably don’t care anyway.

You can literally find any music genre you want to hear or prefer, probably right out your back door, you just don’t know it. If you think Motown was the only prominent musical happening ever to be born in Michigan you might just want to come out from under that rock and….rock.

All types of great music have been alive and well in Michigan for decades. And recently more music festivals have been sprouting up all over the state.

We’ve even got our hands on a MEGA festival, Rothbury, in its first year lined up artist from the very steeples of pop music from Dave Matthew’s to Snoop-Dogg.

Another such festival that will have your young tight pants screaming is Dirtfest. It’s fairly recent and caters to a young crowd.

Dirtfest features artists in the punk, metal, hardcore, alternative and emo genres. The dirt is not just for rolling or wallowing in either. Dirt fest also features Motor X exhibitions.

If you’re not into head-banging and indistinguishable guttural noises there’s Blissfest too. This one’s for all you aging hippies out there. You can celebrate 29 years of grass roots folk, bluegrass, blues, cajun, celtic, jazz, latin, ethnic and world music here and let your freak flag fly, in tie dye of course.

It’s a great family festival with some gorgeous scenery to boot.

For those you who wish to avoid those crunchy folk and rather not hear stories about being a conscientious objector you can go dig the Dunegrass festival.

Focused mainly in blues, Dunegrass has been around for nearly 17 years. Held in Emipre, MI right next to the Sleeping Bear Dunes this festival let’s you burry yourself in soulful tones for 3 days and nights.

So if you can’t find live music you like in Michigan, you’re probably just deaf. Sorry. But, for the rest of you now you know where you can get down, shake your groove thang and enjoy great tunes in a great state.

A Quick Guide:

Rothbury: Held at the Double JJ Ranch (Western, MI) July 3-6, 2008 (thu-sun)

Single day tickets are not available, weekend tickets $245 or $475, RV passes additional

Camping, Bungalows and Cabins

Major food vendors including beer tents

Blissfest: Good Hart, July 11-13 (fri-sun)

Weekend Tickets $30 to $85

Camping and Rv camping, under age camping also

Local food vendors

Shuttle to Sturgeon Bay

Craft vendors

Dunegrass: Empire (northwest lower peninsula) Jul 31 – Aug 3

Advance Tickets: up to $109 for full festival pass

Camping and RV camping extra

Food vendors

Dirtfest: Birch Run Expo Center (north of Flint) Aug 2, 2008 (sat)

Tickets 29$ at the gate, advance ticket sales online

No lodging

Small vendor stands

Merchandise stands

Visit the websites for more Info. Just Google it dummy

I will release honorable mentions in the next couple of days and perhaps a list of complete disasters in music for 2008.

Right now though I’m amending the top position. The new number one song of 2008 has been whittled down to Frightened Rabbit’s “Modern Leper”.

It was tough but it had to be done. A friend of mine and myself had agreed later that, in essence putting the entire album up for #1 was a cop out. Admittedly I did feel awry about it right after I posted it. Anyway it’s been fixed.

Also in another amendment that I have just been inspired to make at this very moment. I will say now that Deerhunter’s “Never Stops” off their recent release Microcastle is taking over Katy Perry’s “I kissed a girl” in the #7 spot.

A thoughtful, hopping song about Insomnia and being trapped in your head always trumps a song about lesbian teases, well, not always but liking that song makes my innards wrench and coil with anger.

The last time I heard it I was at a party and a gaggle of looney bitches were dancing cult like in their ugg boots and leggings, screaming the chorus from their glorious throat holes. Never at the same time have I wanted to punch and mount someone more.

To be honest I was at first just trying to please the masses with that selection, though just a bit, but now I’m just pleasing myself. Yes, pleasing myself.

Along with this sudden uprooting I’m also extending early honorable mentions to another Deerhunter song “Little Kids” also off Microcastle. “Little kids drinking gin all day.” The first line brings back memories of sneaking booze from poppa bear’s liquor cabinet. The other I would like to extend to T.I.’s “Whatever you like”. Trone on ice bitches.

Most popular music is complete dog shit. Fact. Here are my picks for the least fecal resembling songs of the year along with some of my charming and brilliant selections.


10. Kanye West “Love Lockdown”- On the whole Kayne West is a gigantic bell end and sucks live. But he loves his craft and the fact that he chose to incorporate traditional Japanese Yakudo drummers was a righteous choice for this year’s soul searching banger. (video does not show the real drummers) Get your autotune on.

9. MGMT “Time to Pretend”- This duo is the new electro/synth psychedelic phenomenon. Since the acid drop of their debut album “Oracular Spectacular” they have earned a permanent spot in the lime light for 2008. This little diddy even made it to the silver screen in the card playing flick “21” released earlier this year. I feel like these guys are constantly tripping balls. Bring your drugs. Check out “Electric Feel” too. (I flipped a coin on this one)

8. Chairlift “Bruises”- When your song gets picked to sell Ipods you know you’ve made it. Even though this may seem like selling out to some,  you wouldn’t think it was so lame if your name was on their fat check. It also helps that the rest of their album “Do you Inspire you” is as inviting as a gigantic pile of colombian gold.

7. Katy Perry “I Kissed a Girl”- Why? You know why. Pervert. You’re Welcome.

6. Lil Wayne “A Milli”- What’s a top ten list without Lil Wayne? The answer is nothing. It’s shit. That is why I have selected the self acclaimed “World’s Greatest Rapper” for the number 7 spot. Even though I generally despise “rap” not hip/hop (just to be clear these are two different things) Lil Wayne has a pension for rhyming the weirdest shit ever spoken and its just to fucked up to ignore. Also you have to admire a guy that releases like 200 songs a year. Watch him grab his crotch here.

5. She & Him “This is not a Test”- I’m not certain if many people know that when you die,  its actually Zooey Deschanel’s voice you hear as you are floating towards the big white light. This is just the song. Watch a live version too. She sounds just as amazing.

4. TV On The Radio “Golden Age”- If you’re from NYC and you say you’re in a band, people will be like “oh, what are some of you songs?” But if you’re in a band called TV On The Radio people will willingly line up to be, at the very least, savagely groped by you. Oh and this song is bananas. Buy their new album “Dear Science”. Watch it here.

3. Ida Maria “Oh My God”- This cute little Norweigan has claimed to have that awesome neurological phenomenon know as synesthesia, where in some cases you see music as colors. The band has also perfected the art of the cheap but still hip and creative music video. Plus the woman brings “da mothafuckin ruckus” so to speak.  A known exhibitionist with a lack of regard for her’s and other peoples’ safety the little fire cracker that is Ida Maria Sivertsen could probably kick your ass and mine. Watch it here.

2. Fleet Foxes “White Winter Hymnal”- You say Brain Wilson is one of your infuences? You can harmonize like nobodies buisness? You’re all under the age of 25? You have just saved the future of music from certain disaster. Thanks, we owe you one. Watch it here.

1. Frightend Rabbit “The Midnight Organ Fight”- The entire album. Now I know this is pretty much cheating but I couldn’t narrow down the songs to less than 3 that are brilliant candidates for the number one spot. Now I haven’t seen this band on anyones top lists for 2008 and I’m proud to possibly be the first to claim the genius that is this Scottish ensemble. This was one of my final 3 picks aka the only video that wasn’t a live rendetion.

Let me know how you feel about this because this list changes for me everyday. Switches, changes, honorable mentions, removals, additions, whatever. I want to see what you people think.